Sometimes you just need to start

I’ve had the intuitive awareness for some time now to start a blog about what’s going on both in my own world and in the world at large.  Many times those two concepts overlap 🙂  In the last year I have lived in three (3) countries.  The USA, Canada, and most recently, Ireland.  To say that this has affected my understanding of life is a very large understatement.  I’m still trying to figure out where all the pieces go.  If you can imagine that every box you pack is another aspect of yourself, then unpacking them is a process of figuring out “where they go now”.  Fathoming what goes where in a new country can be a Herculean effort.  I have my shovel, now where did that barn go?

Another thing that keeps going through my mind is the wise words of a very old friend.  “You can have everything you want, you just can’t have it all at once”.

This year has been an exercise in receiving everything I asked for in some very interesting packages, in three different countries.

I sometimes “receive” images in my mind when I ask my upline for information (more on that in another post).  I see a picture of someone sitting on a floor with all my requests in picture images sitting around them in piles.  The piles are places as far as I can tell, perhaps “areas” that my dreams can manifest.  Then they take these “puzzle” pieces and try to find a place to place them.  And then I wonder to myself.  What came first?  The fact that I was going to move or the fact that I was going to “have to” move to have all my requests fulfilled.  Then I get that old saying in my head “be careful what you ask for, because you just might get it”.  ;)!

I’ve always loved hiking, walking, rambling through natural habitats and those that humans inhabit as well.  Deep down inside I consider myself a sociologist (with life training,
not schooling).  What makes us all tick?  What cultural things affect us? Why DO we DO what we DO?  And while I walk, I ponder.  This blog will reflect, well, my reflections, as well as my daily activities,whatever they happen to be.

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